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Need My Carmex... Kissing 2018 Goodbye

(Dec 2018)

2018 is almost over...what a year?!
As I sit here eating my homemade white chocolate covered pretzels, I am reflecting on the Year of Yes and how much my life has changed in 2018.

If my Year of Yes has taught me anything, it's that even when the yes is for my good it may still suck to have to say it out loud. I have experienced great joys, great sadness, and contentment this year.  2018 is not ending the way I had expected which is a major plot twist but nevertheless, I prevail in tact, Faith on lock. (Y'all know I still try to plan life and God does what He wants. LOL )

Focusing on the 2018 highs.

The Caffeinated Mamas Support Group launched. I set a goal and reached it. Have already started working on a few events for the Caffeinated Mamas' 2019 calendar and can't wait to share and fellowship. Some major collabs happening so be sure to follow us on FB and IG. (@thecaffeinatedmama_)

Babybeez celebrated his 2nd Birthday. The #TerrificTwos have been AMAZING (read that with all the cynicism). I know all the lyrics and tunes to the multiple versions of Baby Shark with hand gestures.  *face palm*  But really, I am a super proud mama, we are 85% potty trained, he can count to 20, backwards from 10, recognizes letters and numbers, knows all the primary colors and shapes and then some ...what 2yr old knows hexagon, pentagon, and trapezoid? I think I learned that term in Geometry. My kid is a Toddler Genius; yea I am bias, so what?!

I was in a pretty bad car accident and I am alive. Physical therapy, multiple appointments, and meds.  Enough said.

Saw for the second time (on a grand scale) the lengths my tribe will go for me. The first was a deployment to Afghanistan and the welcome home festivities. The second was apple picking in the mountains and ALL the wine. The love from my girls is everything and I am forever grateful. 


Y'all know my SJ nature has my mind on overdrive. I bought my new planner last month, new color pens and a book of 400+ stickers to go along with it.

This journey in a way served as a new perspective in which I could learn more about myself by saying yes to the uncertainty and ambiguity of life. As Winter takes charge, I am comforted knowing that everything has it's season. Flowers don't bloom year round, and I shouldn't expect to either. Some seasons are for growing.

So here's to 2019 growth, peace, and prosperity in all areas of my business and my life. 


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