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Showing posts from February, 2019

Mommy Scorecard

I did it again. Unintentionally, subconsciously comparing myself, my lifestyle, my parenting style to the masses. It's ugly, that scorecard you keep. So why do you have it? How does she get her kid to sit still longer than 10 min without screentime? How did she get her makeup to so flawless? Man, I want to do that. I wish I could be as carefree as he is. How did she get her core strength back post baby? And on and on and on. The comparisons are plenty when life gets difficult. We may think that we are alone or the only ones to have suffered in this way. Truth is, you are not alone. We have all been there. Fact of the matter is, you are where you need to be in this very moment. The trials you endure are building character allowing you to blossom in your strength. Giving you the understanding that He has guided your steps and this is a lesson for this season. This lesson will carry you to and through the next chapter of life. You will be able to share wisdom with your babies abo

Need My Carmex... Kissing 2018 Goodbye

(Dec 2018) 2018 is almost over...what a year?! As I sit here eating my homemade white chocolate covered pretzels, I am reflecting on the Year of Yes and how much my life has changed in 2018. If my Year of Yes has taught me anything, it's that even when the yes is for my good it may still suck to have to say it out loud. I have experienced great joys, great sadness, and contentment this year.  2018 is not ending the way I had expected which is a major plot twist but nevertheless, I prevail in tact, Faith on lock. (Y'all know I still try to plan life and God does what He wants. LOL ) Focusing on the 2018 highs. The Caffeinated Mamas Support Group launched. I set a goal and reached it. Have already started working on a few events for the Caffeinated Mamas' 2019 calendar and can't wait to share and fellowship. Some major collabs happening so be sure to follow us on FB and IG. (@thecaffeinatedmama_) Babybeez celebrated his 2nd Birthday. The #TerrificTw