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Showing posts from April, 2019

Self-care: One Size Does NOT Fit All

An old FB post reminded me that ten years ago I was in a rural Providence in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. I should have been sleeping to prepare for my long perimeter shift, but instead I decided to paint my nails and my toes, despite them being in thick green socks and combat boots. Many of us practice Self-care without announcing it to the world, but especially since it has become so mainstream (as it should be), the term has many interpretations. I've been doing my nails as a part of my regular routine and never put too much thought into it. I mean I was in a war zone and spent time doing my nails and putting rollers in my hair (another story for another day). Doing my nails makes me feel like me. Some folks believe self-care is not about lighting candles and getting Manis/pedis. Some folks believe true self-care is building a life you don't need a break from. Others think it is physical fitness. Self-care is NOT one size fits all. I believe self-care