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Showing posts from May, 2016

Lemonade or Nah

I was 17 years old walking the campus of James Madison University, headed to my dorm (Eagle), and I stopped at the top of what was then D-Hall steps and said to myself  ' wow, this is real life, I am a college student.'  I was so proud in that moment. First generation to go away to a four year institute, first of the five to leave the nest and join the military. I had a plan for my life and I was determined to succeed. If you had asked me then, where I saw myself in five years, I would have said something along the lines of   "I'll be 22, I'll have my Bachelor and Master Degrees, and work for DoD." Needless to say, that didn't work out quite as I planned. I was deployed at age 20, finished my Bachelors Degree at 23 and completed my Masters Degree at 27.  You would think I would have learned from that experience to be a lot more flexible in my plans or should I say ideas, because ultimately it's His plan..... I didn't. At 25, I thought I'd

32 weeks, Day 3

32. The number of weeks I am currently. 07. The number of days I have been exhausted this week. 03. The number of times I've cried this week. 03. Also the number of times I've cooked this week. 02. The number of times I've been "sick." 02. Also the number of dresses I tried on this week, that no longer fit. This is the story of my life. I am super pregnant and growing by the day. To be constantly reminded that my belly is huge and or asked if I am having twins at least once a week is becoming annoying. Let me give you a list of the things I've heard:                                                             -Wow, you're due in June?! You won't make it. -Oh my, that's a big baby. -Are you sure, there's just one? -Are you having twins? -You look like you're going to pop? -Your boobs aren't sagging enough, you sure it's a boy? -Girllla, you better get an epidural, you are gonna hurt! -I remember when I was pregnant

The Space Between 🐘💙💛

The count down continues. Here lately, I've been a little more anxious; time is winding down and I feel like I have so much to do. As you have read, Brayden's nursery theme is "Mommy and Daddy love you tons/ a ton"🐘<elephants> The colors are navy blue, yellow, and grey. I have been pinning to my heart's content different ideas for his room. I found some pretty great stuff too. In a previous post, I mentioned I was painting letters for his nursery. I still haven't attached the string to hang them.... yea idk what I'm waiting for either. Oh yea wait. Energy. I lack it. I decided not to reupholster the chair, after looking at Youtube, I figured this isn't a project I could do while in my third trimester, so instead, the plan is to use a slip cover. Then I realized it doesn't fit in the nursery with the crib/changing table, TV, and twin bed.  I didn't want to remove the bed, because that's for his grandmothers when they visit. It