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32 weeks, Day 3

32. The number of weeks I am currently.
07. The number of days I have been exhausted this week.
03. The number of times I've cried this week.
03. Also the number of times I've cooked this week.
02. The number of times I've been "sick."
02. Also the number of dresses I tried on this week, that no longer fit.

This is the story of my life. I am super pregnant and growing by the day. To be constantly reminded that my belly is huge and or asked if I am having twins at least once a week is becoming annoying.

Let me give you a list of the things I've heard:
                                                            -Wow, you're due in June?! You won't make it.
-Oh my, that's a big baby.
-Are you sure, there's just one?
-Are you having twins?
-You look like you're going to pop?
-Your boobs aren't sagging enough, you sure it's a boy?
-Girllla, you better get an epidural, you are gonna hurt!
-I remember when I was pregnant with my boy, enjoy it now, 'cause once he's here, that's it.

Now, don't get me wrong I have also heard some very positive things, but the constant reminder of my big belly is weighing on me. I see myself everyday, naked I might add. I see that my growing belly is stretching. Even though I am using Tummy Butter (Palmers) and Cocoa Butter (Palmers) after an Argan oil and Shea moisture infused shower, the tiger stripes have started to appear. >__<
I am embracing them as I promised myself I would. #LoveYourLines
I have a closet full of clothes that I can no longer fit. I have several dresses in heavy rotation because I am dressing for comfort due to the pain in my pelvis and my hips. Have you ever gotten comfy then had to pee? Sometimes three times in one hour.

I am pregnant. I know. I accepted it weeks ago.

I may not be dealing with my emotions the way some other women have, and that's ok. I am handling this the best way I know how. Some days I don't know exactly how I feel or what I want. Like last night. I felt like sleeping, but I wanted to cry, I was also hungry and sad and blah and at the same time I was ok....I didn't want to talk, but I wanted Brian to talk to me. (Brian is a real trooper)

I'm an emotional being anyway and growing a human is a daunting task.

I am working on my issues with weight gain, I am just tired of other people telling me how big I've gotten. It's just a sensitive topic for me, perhaps for many pregnant women. We know we are big. We know we will get bigger. I see my vienna sausage toes.... they aren't cute!

Here is why we gain the weight.

I want to print this and give it to every person who makes a comment. Yes, I am sure I am not having twins, I have had four ultrasounds. There is only one baby in here.

My son may not be the average size (7.5 pounds); that's okay. He may be bigger, he may be smaller.
All that matters is that he is healthy.

Currently he is the size of a head of lettuce (19 in., 3.9lbs)

We are still craving strawberry-banana smoothies and fresh fruit (the last two weeks it's been nectarines and plums) and this week ice cream. After this post, I am going to have a bowl lol

I feel Brayden's hiccups and he does this weird thing by balling up in a knot and it shapes my belly like a hill.

He is very active, keeping me up at night, so I am tired all day. He still kicks when Brian talks to him or on queue as if he is answering the questions Brian asks. He also kicks when I sing.

We read him bed time stories and pray over him daily.
Less than eight weeks to go.....


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