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Bumpdate 28

After my last post concerning raising a little Black boy, I figured we should get back to basics and give you a bumpdate. (If you haven't read the last post, no worries, it's still up for your reading pleasure).

So here we are....28 weeks today.... officially in the third trimester. Shxt just got REAL. 12 weeks left until our little Brayden Michael is in my arms, (as I type this he is steady kicking letting me know he can feel my anxiety). I am so excited though; I am in a good place with pregnancy (only took 21 weeks) LOL.... I still don't want to do this again. Thanks for the blessing! Love you Bray, Sorry ma, Love you too, mean it!

Nursery: The "Mommy and Daddy Love you Tons" Elephant themed nursery is coming along. Brian has assembled the crib and changing table (my boo is so handy) and rearranged the room to accommodate my DIY baby projects.

Project 1: I bought wooden letters from Target to spell his name above his crib (something I saw on Pinterest). I decided to paint them myself  even though I am not that kind of artist. I think it turned out cute. The bottom pic shows how it will hang, the middle is step one, the top is step 2. Step 3 will be attaching the twine to hang it up (weekend project).
Project 2: I will be re-upholstering a chair to put it in the nursery. I am thinking Yellow fabric, since everything else will be gray and blue. I'll let you know how that turns out too. The only thing I know right now is that is saves me from spending $500 on the rocker I wanted. [Chair from my parents]
Project 3:Organizing his blankets, clothes, wipes, bath items, feeding items etc. Right now, they are separated in categories so when everything is set up it's easy to put away. Again shout out to the boo for doing the initial separation after our gender reveal. It was overwhelming for me to look at, but he handled it. Once we get his wardrobe/dresser (I can't decide) the daunting task of washing/drying/folding/hanging all of his clothing/blankets will be a project. Yay!

Needless to say I will be busy over the next few weeks prepping for this little guy, not to include the weekend traveling for other baby showers and various events. We still have to tour the hospital and pack hospital bags just in case he decides to come a little early. 

Cravings: I'll first say that no matter what I eat, heart burn happens. The old wive's tale about heavy heartburn means a baby with a head full of hair... well yea, I think Brayden will have locks of love. I've already told Brian that's his department, This mom will not be braiding, twisting, locking any hair. I barely want to do my own some days (Wigs on deck). The Lord knew what he was doing giving me a boy. His daddy can give him a hair cut. lol  so yea, what have I been craving the past few months?
Bacon, Egg, and Cheese on a Croissant,(Sheetz makes these and the croissant is so soft! I normally don't eat cheese with my eggs, but man it's good); strawberry-banana smoothies, (shout out to Mama Beez on the NutriBullet); and a nice bowl of Frosted Flakes at 10pm that Brian has renamed to Ceezy Flakes. We buy the large, family deluxe box, it doesn't last. Cereal every night like clock work followed by Tums (peppermint or wintergreen).

Doctor visits: The common practice for OB/GYN patients is for the mom to meet all the doctors, because you do not know who will be on call on the big day. At first I was not liking this idea. This is a personal experience (she will see/feel my lady parts), I am a First Time Mom (FTM).. enough said, and lastly, I want a personal connection with the person who will see me at my absolute best and worst. I hear labor is no joke and I don't deal with pain well; so it may get ugly. I need her to know that's not how I usually act lol I NEED ALL THE DRUGS!! No seriously. EVERYTHING EVERYTHING (in my Katt Williams voice) that is not harmful to my Brayden. 
However, after thinking it over and analyzing the logic of it, it's brilliant. I do not want a stranger on the big day, I want someone I've at least met a few times. After all, we are at the point in pregnancy where we see the docs every two weeks instead of four. Soon it will be every week ^_^ I will have a chance to talk to each of them sensibly and let them know I want all the drugs. Problem solved.

So far, there is only one doctor I do not care for. She is very stoic and makes me feel like I need to be defensive when asking questions. I'm a FTM lady, I don't know that round ligament pain really means pain everywhere and that you measuring from my once nice "innie belly  button" to the top of my pelvis gives you info about the baby... Tell me what info? Am I too big; is my fibroid growing with my uterus? Tell me something! She is just so removed that it's bothersome. No bedside manner at all, I cried the last time I saw her. That is not OK.... Her PA on the other hand, Erin, I LOVE HER. If she could deliver my baby, I'd let her. She is genuinely interested. Asks us questions and ensures we are comfortable with the answers. It will be noted in my chart that Dr. X is not allowed to deliver my baby. 
Dr. Elle is pretty cool, she is pregnant too, so I guess she can relate a little better since she's going thru things with me. LOL  We meet Dr. Em Tuesday, I hope she's just as nice.

We will also do our glucose testing next week. Which flavor should I choose? Lime, Cola, or Orange? Leave a comment and I'll take a count and let you know in the next post which flavor won and how it went. 

That sums up  bumpdate 28. If there's something specific you're wondering, please send me a message.

Always by my side (twins)
Same dress!
Exhausted after a long day of growing a human


  1. Orange! Congratulations by the way!

  2. Thanks!wish you weren't "unknown" in your comment. :-)

    1. I don't know why I'm showing as unknown!

    2. I don't know why I'm showing as unknown!

  3. Look at the belly! He's growing so nicely. Let's get rid of that Dr.! No negative energy around you or Brayden...Idk how people can be cold and stoic to a FTM...if you're not cut out for that life then get another profession, lady! I'm so glad this pregnancy is going better for you (besides the heartburn)...i know it was rough at first! So proud of you guys and loving seeing how you two are already awesome parents to baby Brayden.

    Lastly, i pick lime!

    1. Yea things have turged around a bit. Not sick as much and less pain in my second trimester. Got you vote!


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