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Showing posts from 2018

Drink Champagne and Dance on the Table

Unlike years past, there was nothing planned for my birthday. Literally, I said I will see how I feel in reference to making plans on the Saturday before #CiDay. Who are you? And where is Ciera? You know the one who plans like her life depends on it. She is still around just taking a much needed bird's eye view.  You see this last year has been something special. Running into to thirty full-throttle did something for her well-being. It was exactly the kind of year she wanted. A YEAR OF YES. Last year's mantra was about living with intention, living out loud. It was a drastic change from the normal organize/prepare, plan, contingency plan, and execute.... On one hand, I hired a travel agent, planned and had a contingency for traveling to the Bahamas, and then on the other I literally hopped in a car and rode to Canada just because; and it was a blast. I've had champagne and I danced on the table in my dreams, why not in-real-life? I have never been at that level of spont

"Be you, love you. All ways, always."

The choices you make ultimately lead to certain moments. It’s the compounding effect for sure. The journey of #ThirtyAndThriving just continues to make me uncomfortable, in a good way. I've said before, and I will say again, you have to go through to grow you. From reading new books that are expanding my thought process to enhancing my circle of influence, I am changing for the better. Life is good. #Babybeez will be two on Saturday and is an active, fearless, happy toddler, with an old soul. I STILL look at him in disbelief at how much he has grown. He has his own personality and an infectious laugh. I absolutely love the way he asks “What are you doing?” It’s so cuuuute! LOL He is still doing smoothie dances and loves reading any and everything. Favorite numbers are currently 2 and 9, letters, 'a,' 'o,' 'y,' and 'b'. His favorite foods are apples, bananas, fruit snacks, crackers, and pasta.  He loves Peppa Pig, Bubble Guppies, Hey Du