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Showing posts from May, 2017

Hype Over Bread----Mother's Day Edition

It's Mother's Day weekend and I am enjoying a Flat White and a pedicure with my gal pals. We started our day with a boozy brunch which led us to Starbucks to a sweet barista who couldn't make our drinks. The latest #OPI color I wanted to try caught my eye and my friends weren't having it. According to them, its a variation of a color that I always get. If its not broken, dont fix it right?! That's how I feel, but after some swaying, I went with the color they chose, #IndiaMoodForLove. I must admit, I do really like it though.  During my drive back to NOVA that afternoon, a few things occurred to me. I love OPI polish names and I need to step out of my comfort zone. Muffaletta is a Sicilian round bread or a popular N.O. sandwich. Unbeknownst to me, #ShesABadMuffaletta is from the same OPI collection as #GotMyselfInaJambalaya I wore 3 weeks ago. #OPINewOrleans Spring Collection. In previous posts I shared my #OPIObsession,  particularly the #OPIWashingtonDC Fall coll

Give the people what they want..

I started writing this post on 23 December. I mentioned in my October 2016 post that by Winter Solstice, we would have it all figured out. Today is 8 May.  Clearly life happened and I have been out of commission in the writing department. To my regular readers, thank you for reminding me why I started this blog and why it's so important for me to continue typing out my thoughts and feelings. I tried writing several times and I just couldn't finish..Perhaps I didn't have the motivation I needed or perhaps the creative juices weren't flowing...nonetheless, here we are. I received a FB message about a month ago from a sweet young lady who told me how much she enjoyed reading my blog and how I had inspired her. Little did she know she inspired me. Mommin' ain't easy, and some days I'm just exhausted. I want to save the energy I do have for my family, which leaves little time for writing. Granted when I think about why I started the blog to begin with, I