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Autumn πŸπŸ‚πŸƒ

Autumn, it's my favorite season.

What's in this Season? Deep colors, layered fashions, amazing smells from the kitchen, and sultry scented lotions and candles. Yum!!

The tree leaves change color and the mornings are a little cooler. Cool enough to enjoy a hot cup of joe on the morning drive. Not that it needs to be cold for coffee, but some people like it that way. I just like coffee everyday... please and thank you. The sun shines brighter and the afternoons are perfect for cruising. On that cruise as you drive through the secluded area, you know the place you lose cell phone signal because of all the trees, you get a chance to enjoy God's creation. The beautifully colored leaves dance around your vehicle and for a moment even if it wasn't before, you know it's now going to be a great day.

It's also the time of year where leggings are deemed appropriate everyday attire paired with a large sweater, a beanie, and boots. Or skinny jeans with a Plaid button-up layered with a Polo sweater, scarf, and booties with a stiletto heel.

And of course it's Pumpkin Spice(PS) EVERYTHING season, and although I'm not a huge fan of consuming PS, the scent is one that I have grown to enjoy. Bath and Body Works has an amazing Autumn collection in which the tantalizing "Sensual Amber" (my favorite Autumn scent) shea body lotion will tingle your senses and you'll be carried away [No Calgon]. Too bad B&B has discontinued it, you can only find it online now.

I also just recently learned that our good friends over at O.P.I. have a Washington D.C. 'Fall' Collection of nail lacquer. The shades definitely will add a pop of color to your week. You know I had to have it. With names such as #WeTheFemale (garnet) #MadamPresident  (Commanding red) #NeverADullesMoment  (curry yellow) #CIA/ColorIsAwesome (dusky blue) #PaleToTheChief  (nearly nude) #SuziTheFirstLadyOfNails (chic olive green) and #FreedomOfPeach (peach), who could resist?

Of course with 45° mornings, it's also sweatshirts and pearls/hoodie season. I spent the summer months adding to my collection to ensure the perfect sweatshirt and pearl pairings for the season's activities. You know, deep couch sitting with a good book, running errands with Brayden, cooking, cleaning, traveling...the usual.

Autumn also signifies the beginning of a lot of important times. School (k-12 and college), a new fiscal year for planning/government. For us, it was learning that we were about to be parents. This time last year, I found out I was pregnant. I can't believe how time has flown by and our baby boy is 3 months now. Full of energy and very vocal. He always has a story to tell after school. He weighs 13 pounds, can roll over on his side, and often attempts to lift himself upright when laying down. He is so inquisitive and has his father's demeanor.  We are still so in love with our baby human. 😆

Autumn is here and before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving!!!! 🦃🦃🍊🌽🌽

Link for OPI, You know you want to-


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