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Girls Trip - Girl Time - My Time

I truly believe in Divine intervention.
Case and point.

I went to the movies today with a friend. We saw Girls' Trip...hilarious by the way.  The last time we saw a movie together, we sat and talked for hours afterward. Today was no different. There was a difference though. This time, I needed the listening ear, the encouraging words, the prayer.
Much too often I get consumed with everything that life is throwing my way and forget to take care of me. You all know I started #MeTimeMay for this exact reason. Guess what, it's the end of July and I need to refocus. I intended to stay vigilant with self-care, but I failed lol
After today's discussion with my friend and seeing a FB Memory from another friend, I made a detour on my way home and ended up at the nail shop. (OPI "Rich Girls and Po' Boys" for my toes and OPI "Don't Bossa Nova Me Around" for my hands)
I am long over due for me time. Going to the movies today was a start.

Refocusing is much more than a movie and a trip to the nail salon though.
Physical fitness <no workout since last Sat>. Mental wellness <writing is my therapy>. Emotional intelligence <I cried a little today, don't worry I'm fine>.
Spiritual discipline <mediation and prayer>

All of these things are vital for me. I am still very much learning how to navigate certain situations. Nothing is perfect, but I can strive for excellence. I can also strive for understanding and being more patient. Prayer changes things and today my friend reminded me of that.  She also reminded that it's ok not to feel okay sometimes. So much has happened in the last year. A lot has changed for good, and some change not so much.
However,  refocusing on the things that matter has to be priority. 

It's important to me that I take time away for myself to be my best me. When I'm my best, my friends and family benefit. When I'm my best, I benefit lol

So this is a reminder to everyone, protect your peace and take time for you.
You'll love yourself for it.


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