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He's Wild One....Brayden's First Year

Oh. My. Gosh.
No Becky......but, Brian. We Made it!!!

One year, full of highs and lows, sleepless nights, baby tears, mommy tears, daddy frustration, throw up(me and Bray), milk spills, cracked nipples, diaper rash, sinus infections, infectious laughs and screams, wet diapers, poop filled onesies, phone calls to both our parents, back aches, swollen everything, love, joy, blessings, patience, faith, tolerance, compassion, empathy, prayer, and God.

Our sweet boy is one year old and I am a bag of mixed emotions. Thank you for showing Brayden and I love everyday and for being a wonderful father and man that our son can one day emulate.

My sweet sweet Brayden, I never knew I could love as deep until the day I felt you kick in my womb. In that moment it was so real. I knew that nothing else mattered. Your health, your well being, you became my priority. When your dad placed your head against my cheek, my heart melted. When I held you for the first time, a single tear rolled down my face. I couldn't believe you had arrived. 15 hours of active labor delivered, ten fingers, ten toes, 7lbs and 15 oz. Of perfection.

The first time you latched, I was overcome with emotion. You were born with tongue tie, so eating was difficult the first two weeks. My nipples hurt so badly, but I was determined to feed you naturally. We were successful for a few months. I didn't leave your side for 12 weeks. My first day back in the office was so hard. I cried multiple times prior to leaving you at daycare, a little during my commute and I called the day care 3 times that day to check on you. Yes, even though I was receiving real time updates via email. I was definitely a helicopter mom.

You grew so fast; I loved watching you play with anything you could wrap your tiny fingers around. You explored your fingers,  amazed at how you could make them open and close. You would try to sing with me, smiling so big and making little noises. When you first rolled over I think you scared yourself. You'd yell each time you flipped on your belly. Soon you learned to get on your knees and rock, back and forth. You used to legit hop forward before you learned to crawl. Then you did crawl, at the speed of lightening. Each week you got better.

Your first words, were uttered and I couldn't believe it. When you said "mmmm ma-ma", I cried. I cried over a lot of your milestones. You were adamant about feeding yourself. Quite a few nights you had banana and sweet potato in your hair and all over your face. You still love bath time, so it was easy to clean. From sitting up supported to pulling yourself up to standing and now walking, crawling up stairways, climbing down from the bed, watching you grow this past year has been the highlight of my life. I love you so much and you are so loved by so many.

Your baby shower and most recent your first birthday party are true testaments to that fact.
The theme derived from one of the books you love "Where the Wild Things Are" ..."Brayden Michael is a Wild One"

The decor was over the top (courtesy of Amazon Prime and your Aunties Jada, Jonea, and Queen. The cakes were delicious (courtesy of cousin Cynthia). Pictures were captured by everyone, (Official photographer, none other than Uncle Korey). Your daddy and uncle Chavis put the grill together and your Aunties A and Jay made the sails and peeled oranges for your little Jello boats. All the kids had crowns for party hats.

You missed both morning naps so you had to take a nap during your party lol you had so much fun with your sister and cousins.  You were sleep by 930p and after a few rounds of board games, we were right behind you. Operated on 6 hours of sleep in 48 hours. This mama was exhausted.
It was all worth it. And for you, I'd do it again.

You may not remember any of this, but the pictures will tell the story. Your dad and I have made so many memories with you. We are extremely blessed to have been chosen to be your parents. One year down a lifetime ahead.

As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.


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