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Bumpdate 36

The countdown is real....

36 weeks, measuring 38 weeks.
Brayden is bigger than 70% of babies at this stage. The normal range is 4.5-5lbs; he is 6.1 +/- 14oz. Basically 7lbs already.
He has a healthy heartbeat and is still very active. The docs are not concerned about his health and this makes me happy.

They also moved his due date to 23 June so we have less than 30 days.

My cravings: Fresh fruit (plums, peaches, and watermelon); strawberry banana smoothies; frosted flakes/honey combs; and waffles.

How I feel: On a scale of one to ten .. most days I'm at a six or seven. I try not to complain too much. Other days the tears stream down my cheek and I'm taking Tylenol to make it through the day. Due to my hips not being properly aligned and a high pelvis bone (I was doing physical therapy prior to pregnancy) the round ligament pain started at three months. Most women experience this between six-seven months.
I truly believe I have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD).

I was told early on, "girl you haven't felt anything yet." They were right, the pain I felt at three months is different from eight month pain, but it's still pain nonetheless. Some days my pelvis is so swollen I can't walk. Most mornings I cry getting out of bed because after not moving for a few hours, the stiffness sets in.
Yes, I've been stretching and doing my squats and walking around when the pain is bearable.

I ordered a belly band that's supposed to help with the pressure on my pelvis and back and to reduce the swelling of my feet. Great reviews and the doc recommended it as well. It has helped, but there is still a great deal of discomfort.

The doc also had me see a cardiologist as a precaution. Been having a high heart rate. Wore the monitor for 24 hours. It was a bit difficult to sleep in and when I removed it after the 24 hours my skin was red. Needless to say I'm glad I didn't have to do it for a week. They will let me know the results Monday. 

In other news....

Brayden's nursery is finally finished and I am super thrilled. Even though he won't sleep in it the first few months, I anticipate us spending time in there as a family, watching Sports Center with daddy.

If we can hold off until the week of 15 June I'll be happy.


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