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Feed Me Seymour

Everyone gets excited to learn what pregnant women are craving. I used to be one of them. Now that I’m a FTM, when people ask me, I really have to think about it. I don’t think about what food I want after I get it. I just know I wanted food “x” that day, so that’s what I ate. The only thing I can’t really eat is chicken. I still try. Some days the baby agrees, others, he's like no mama.
So Day 3 of the December photo challenge when Brian got me Chic Fil A…. yea I only ate the fries. I took two bites of the sandwich and it wasn’t happening.

So to give you all the run down on what I have wanted the last 17 weeks:

Spaghetti. I wanted it for two weeks before I could muster up enough strength to cook it. When I did, it was FANTASTIC, and I thought it was the best spaghetti I had ever made. Brian disagreed, “babe it was good, but I don’t think it was your best.” LOL It didn’t matter, I was so content, that he could have said it was horrible and my response would have been “More for me!” I paid for it later---heartburn was real that night. 

Honestly, heartburn is real almost every night. Having acid reflux disease is not the business especially during pregnancy. I mean really, who gets heartburn from cereal!? This mama does. I hear that heavy heartburn means a head full of hair. However, I don't know if this is pregnancy heartburn or from my prior issues.....but I digress. 

Back to the list. 

Pickles. A jar on Tuesday and another on Thursday.  One time I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be at my parents’ house so I had a jar in my purse. I forgot I had it until later that night when I was wondering why my bag was so heavy. SMH I liked pickles before pregnancy so I thought this was normal. Granted the not so normal part, is the fact that I had a jar in my purse and I took a jar to work so I could have some there too. Granted, I swap out pickles for cucumbers and vinegar occasionally.

Next on my list is “Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling CLEMENTINE.” I have gone through more bags of cuties/smiles/halos/petite mandarin oranges in the past month than I care to count. Luckily for us, Vitamin C should be taken in daily doses and trust me, we get ours. If I can’t get a mandarin orange, Minute Maid Orange Juice (pulp free) is guzzled like water. I keep a bag in my desk at work and a couple in my purse. Keeping snacks is imperative.

Strawberries. I went thru two cartons in a week. I figure, it’s fresh fruit, so it’s okay. I’m not craving cookies and cake. When I was at my in-laws, Brian's mom bought strawberries, and I practically ate the entire carton. Pizza and strawberries. Sometimes I'll have pickles and strawberries. I can't explain it, but it's pretty good.

One night I really wanted a pork chop, white rice and garlicky string beans smothered in gravy. I know Brian cares because after he had already made a store run, he went back out to get me the perfect chop. Taking pics and sending them to me because I was not in the mood or the attire to go to the grocery store. He took several pics and I made a selection. He came home and cleaned the kitchen so I could cook.
Let me tell you, it was on point. I was half way thru before I realized I didn’t take a picture, but TRUST me it was delicious.

I learned that the baby can taste certain things now, salty, sweet, bitter, and sour. “His” favorite is sweet and salty together. After the gym one evening, I ate a big red apple and Lays regular potato chips together. I was so content with my life.

Even Brian is having cravings, Strawberry Kiwi Lemonade (Turkey Hill), Papa John’s Pizza, and Wendy’s French Fries with a Vanilla Frosty. He’s also consumed more pineapples than he used to prior to the pregnancy. I read that the partners experience “pregnancy symptoms” too and now I believe it. During #Blizzard2016 he walked to Papa John's to get pizza and wings. LOL

One thing is for sure, the baby will never be hungry; daddy always makes sure mommy has ALL the snacks and meals. 


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