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Mom on a Mission

I vividly recall on my 27th birthday being super excited about life because I was crushing goals-- Masters in hand and a fulfilling career. Bursting at the seams with joy.  Have you ever been that excited? 

This past year, leading up to CiDay30 and even more so the last few months has been full of self-re-discovery-- I am living my hashtag #ThirtyAndThriving.   A few months ago I was in self-evaluation mode and decided that it was time for a few alterations. 

I am feeling like I'm 27 again making motivated moves, bursting with excitement for the goals I have set, for the milestones reached, and for the legacy I will leave.

Which brings me to this, the word Yes can change your life.  
My "Year of Yes" began in Nassau, and to quote my friend Shonda Rhimes [yea, my friend, after reading her book I feel like I know her.],      

 "Saying yes should feel like the sun". 
{Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person}

It took me a minute to realize exactly what she meant by this and once I made the connection with the title, another aha moment happened.  I was actually reading/listening to the latest book on my Read List, The Compound Effect when it all made sense. 

Scenario: You remember playing games as a kid where everyone is trying to find something that is hidden, like an Easter Egg Hunt or for us country folks "Hot bread and butter come and get your supper"?  When you get close to the hidden object the person watching says "you're getting warmer" or if it's right there, they tell you "you're hot, on fire." Similarly, if you're way off course and nowhere near the object the person tells you "you're cold" or "freezing".  Such a thrill right?!
That's exactly how Yes feels. How it's supposed to feel. When you are crushing goals and saying yes to positive action, yes to new adventures, and yes to life; you are hot. It's exciting and exhilarating, you're full of zeal and passion! You are on fire.

So Shonda is right. Saying yes feels like the sun and I like it. I like it a lot. But c'mon who doesn't like sunshine and dancing? Crazy people that's who. Crazy people who are uninspired. I never want to slip back into that comfort zone. More than ever I am fiercely doing. My God didn't wake me this morning to be mediocre. I'm just saying. I want to be on fire. Kicking butt and taking names. Checking personal, relational, and professional goals/gains off my list. I know this will take hard-work, grit, determination, the end of bad habits,  and excuse making. This will be tough, no doubt, but it's possible. 

There are a couple of things I have said yes to in the first few months, and I am equally excited for them both.

1. Yes to service.
I toyed with this idea for over a year and decided to bring it to fruition. That aha moment in Nassau was to stop talking myself out of all the reasons why I could not make this work. I am happy to announce the start of Caffeinated Mamas--- a mom support group (MSG) here in Prince William County. It is open to ALL moms period. Being a FTM is the ENTIRE  reason I started this blog. And let's be honest. Mommin' is hard work and it does take a village. Being so far from family and friends when Bray arrived had its struggles. Sometimes I just needed someone to chat with in person or to get out the house and grab coffee---really just time with other moms who understood the need for "Mom Time."
Self-care is vital to  being able to function, let alone take care of a baby or kids. I want to provide a resource for moms to recharge, regroup, and just be <Tia, Ciera, Jen, Michelle> and not just mom.
Of course meeting people with similar values and interests can be challenging as well. The purpose of this MSG is to bring moms together to have that central reach back. That resource can be tips and tricks used to get stuff done with the baby, Mom's Night Out, and eventually mom/baby play-dates. Social in its interaction but also therapeutic. I want it to be a safe space to be around others who understand that if I seem frazzled today, just give me a mug and don't judge!
Thrilled to launch this baby in 2018.

2. Yes to ownership.
I am an Independent Business Owner (IBO) with a Tax ID to write it off. I knew I wanted to work for myself, but I would not have imagined it would begin as an IBO. To say I am surprised is an understatement. The opportunity to work for myself, serve my community, and make a decent income is something I could not pass up. As I was explaining the business model to Beez, he just smiled. Before I could ask him why he was smiling, he said to me "I can see how passionate you are about this, and I am proud of you". *heart melt* Owning my own business allows me to win in several different ways. I like to call them F3---freedom, flexibility, and finance. I am actively pursuing my goal to be a #girlboss.
On November 30th,  I closed this deal in heels. I have a great team to support and am ready to take it to the next level. I am not passionate about much, but my work and motherhood take the cake. So if that's any revelation, watch out now!!!!
I am a Mom on a Misson. Failure can happen, but I refuse to let it stop me. If Oprah gave up after being fired from TV...Well y'all know that story. I am not trying to be on TV, but I wouldn't mind having Oprah money, not gonna lie.  Shoot Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz was told no over 200 times while trying to start his coffee company that eventually bought Starbucks (then 6 stores) and now Schultz has a net-worth of 3billion dollars.

I am learning to accept a no from others if it means a yes for myself. At the end of they day, I control my destiny. I can choose to have my own business and serve my community all while Mommin' ..... F3.  
I know why I am doing what I do and I don't feel guilty for going after it.  Some people will get it and some won't, and that's OK.  I am standing in the sun, dancing it out in the 32 degree weather, and am being the best me I can be. If you are reading this, I hope you too can find your spot in the sun and dance it out. It's a liberating experience. 

#YearOfYes #YOY18 #GirlBoss #GodGoalsGrind #CaffeinatedMama #LSPRAiL #ThirtyAndThriving #Mommin #Service #AskMeHow #MindingMyBusinessLiterally


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